Tuesday, May 28, 2013

The Camera Collection That Shot Some of the World's Most Famous Photos

The Camera Collection That Shot Some of the World's Most Famous Photos

William Eggleston is a photographer who rose to prominence in the 1970s for his photos of American life, many of which are now iconic. Those decades of pictures have come from dozens of different cameras, and Eggleston himself was kind enough to share with the Wall Street Journal a picture of some of his tools of the trade.

What we see are two rows of Leica cameras—but not the M Series you are used to seeing everywhere. These are all Leica III series cameras, manufactured from 1933-1960. These were smaller and lighter than the M Series rangefinders, and had an older screw mount instead of a bayonet mount. On the left are a handful of Canon rangefinders from the same period that mimic the Leica design very closely. Clearly, Eggleston preferred small and inconspicuous cameras—which goes hand-in-hand with his shooting style, which is naturalistic and composed of candid, everyday scenes. Here are a couple of his shots:

The Camera Collection That Shot Some of the World's Most Famous Photos

The Camera Collection That Shot Some of the World's Most Famous Photos

Eggleston's photo of his cameras represents only part of his camera collection. Even though he doesn't usually work digitally, the shot was taken with a Fujifilm X-Pro1. The Wall Street Journal solicited the photo from him for the June issue of WSJ Magazine. Head over to The WSJ's Photo Journal blog to see some of his best-known photographs. And if you live in NYC, you can view some of the works in person at the Metropolitan Museum of Art right now, in the exhibition At War with the Obvious. [Wall Street Journal via PetaPixel]

Lead Photograph by William Eggleston for WSJ. Magazine.

Source: http://gizmodo.com/the-camera-collection-that-shot-some-of-the-worlds-mos-509581361


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